Cryo Slimming | Fat Reduction in Alpharetta, GA | Omni Beauty Spa
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Fat Reduction - Cryo Slimming Alpharetta
Omni Beauty Spa

Fat Reduction - Cryo Slimming

Our fat-freezing procedure is tailored to address localized fat deposits or bulges that may be resistant to conventional diet and exercise efforts.

Duration : 

1 hr 15 min

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Benefits Of  Cryo Slimming 

Skin Analysis

Safety Assured

Cryo Slimming prioritizes safety, ensuring that nerve fibres, blood vessels, muscles, and skin in the treatment area remain undamaged. This non-invasive approach minimizes the risk of harm, making it a secure choice for fat reduction.

Omni Beauty Spa

How It Works

The fat freezing technique is rooted in the principle that fat cells are more vulnerable to cold temperatures than other cells, such as skin cells. By applying controlled cold, fat cells are injured, initiating an inflammatory response. This response leads to the natural elimination of damaged fat cells by the body's immune system.

What It Treats

This procedure is designed to target and reduce stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise alone, helping to contour and reshape the body.

Price & Duration

Pricing for our fat-freezing procedure is available upon consultation, allowing us to customize the treatment plan to your unique needs. A typical session lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, providing an effective and efficient approach to fat reduction and body contouring.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, the client must contact the spa 24 hours in advance.

Omni Beauty Spa
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